
Monday 10 September 2012


I am so excited that fall is here!  Don't get me wrong,  I love summer, but the heat.....OMG I can't stand it anymore!

I picked up some supplies and also worked with whatever I had around the house.

I really like using what I have, and just add some new things.  I like re-arranging, and getting a totally different look.

So happy to share with you.

My mantle.

Wrapped my biggest pumpkin with black lace.  A romantic and sexy
I also purchased some purple masks from the dollar store and some autumn leaves too.

I used some dried roses that I have had for over 2 years.
My pumpkin wearing some

Sexy Pumpkin

I adhered the lace by wrapping it around the pumpkin and securing it with a pin.  The pumpkin is a fake one, by the way.  

I made tiny little pleats on top beside the stem and put a pin to secure. I continued to do this all the way around.  Turned the pumpkin over and did the same on the under side.  Also, as you are pleating on the bottom, you can give it a nice tug to smooth it out.

And here is the completed pumpkin.

This is my hallway small table that I decided to decorate too.

I pulled apart the leaves from the branch that I purchased and just arranged them in the all year round fake flowers that I have on the table.  (The arrangement also  gets a Christmas makeover too)   I also added the tall centre arrangement which is real from my garden.
It is a weed, that grew so big, that it went to this weed I like.

Hope you enjoyed my fall decor.  Thanks for dropping by.  Have a great day!

This post has been linked up to:
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Lettered Cottage"><img src="" alt="The Lettered Cottage" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


  1. That is one sexy looking pumpkin!!! The pattern on the lace really stands out. How did you get the lace so smooth and how did you attach it? It might be easy to do but you should do a tutorial on this. I'd like to know.

  2. Thanks so much Gail. The lace, (which was originally white, and because I didn't feel like going out and purchasing black, I painted was put on and secured with pins on the top of the pumpkin and on the bottom.
    I will do a tutorial, and post. Really easy. You can even podge it, but I thing you would have to cut it, and I did not want the pattern broken up.

  3. Hi Angie,

    I love the pumpkins! Oh I need to kick it into high gear around here :)

    xoxo, Tanya

  4. Thank you Tanya. I can't believe how quickly he seasons just creep up on us.

  5. Great Fall decorations and loving your sexy pumpkin! Now that I am inspired by you I need to kick it up a bit. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

  6. Thank you Cathy. I can't wait to see your decor.

  7. I love fall! I especially love the color of the dried roses and the pumpkin "bling" :)

  8. Thanks y'all. I am so excited for fall. My fav. time of year.
    Thanks for commenting. So appreciated.

  9. Love your Fall decor! I so need to get on the ball and put up some Fall decor. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  10. Thanks very much Kathryn. You will definitely be seeing me around.

  11. Such fun directions! I love them! Found you from the blog hop!

  12. Such cute stuff!!!! I wish I had a mantel to decorate!!

    Visiting through the networking blog hop! New follower :) - Chelsea,

  13. Thanks Chelsea for following me. On my way to see you too.

  14. Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate it. I am your newest follower. Love your blog.

  15. Hey thanks for stopping by my blog! Now I'm super curious about what a "blog-hop" is....

    ...but that's a discussion for another day. Love your mantle, especially your sexy pumpkin!

  16. So beautiful! I love your lace covered pumpkin. I found your link next to mine at House of Hepworths. :) Megan

  17. Thank you for commenting. I love your name Pinteresting Family. I am so behind in my computer skills. Still have not mastered
    One of these days.

  18. I love these decorations! I will be featuring you on my blog this week. Be sure to stop by to pick up the featured button. I should have the post up by tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for sharing this on Marvelous Mondays!


  19. Thank so much Julie. I am so honoured to be featured. I am your newest follower. Hugs.

  20. So pretty! I'm so amazed at all the wonderful decor ideas for pumpkins!

  21. Thanks for commenting Nicole. Yes, there are so many ways to spruce up your pumpkin. Endless.

  22. It's all gorgeous! Love the mantel :) Stopping by to let you know that I'm featuring this from the Weekend Wonders Party! Come grab a feature button if you'd like :)

    You can find it here:

    Have a great day!!

  23. I'm not much of a DIYer, so it's always nice to see what other people can do with a little creativity and elbow grease. Your floral arrangement it fantastic! Heck, my husband thinks ALL flowers are weeds, so...! :-) (thank goodness he doesn't mow the lawn anymore!) Fabulous job on that pumpkin!!!! It's got a whole Stevie Nicks look going on! Great idea to use a faux pumpkin, too, so that you can get use out of your creation in the future! Very nicely done!

    1. Thank you so much Alycia! Yes, I do plan on getting a lot of years from that fake pumpkin. I am going to purchase a real one for the kiddies.
      Have a great day.
